Figure of speech

  • Here we discuss the three figures of speech based on contrast:-

It's made by Anti + thesis (anti means opposite and thesis means idea/concept)
👉 In this figure of speech, contrary ideas or thoughts are expressed in a balanced sentence.
👉 Contrasting or opposite ideas are conveyed.
Note:- Generally, antithesis is a contrast or opposition in meaning emphasised by a parallel in grammatical structure.

1. United we stand , divided we fall
2. God made the country, man made the town
3. Give me liberty or give me death.
4. Speech is silver but silence is golden.
5. Man proposes: God disposes
6. Many are called but few are chosen.

👉Two opposite meaning words are put together (side by side)
Meenu was the wisest fool in Dholpur.
This is an open secret.
The boy is regularly irregular.
And having nothing he had all.
Parting is such a sweet sorrow.

👉 Statement is self - contradictory.
👉 Paragraph enjoys valid meaning.
👉 Metaphysical age is abound in
👉G. K. Chesterton (essayist) used lot many paradoxes in writing.

A child is the father of man
Art lies in concealing art.
Prepare for war if you want peace.
There's no one as poor as wealthy man.
He is the best teacher who teaches nothing.

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